Opinion Party

WELCOME to the first issue of "Opinion Party’ from BAV Group. As Chief Strategy Officer, I am excited to present our data-driven insights (and a few opinions thrown in for good measure) across a range of topics, threaded around the theme of Belonging.

With so much 'othering' happening in the world around us today, we aimed to create a collection of points of view that focused on embracing the unknown, trusting ourselves and others, and ultimately a body of work that helps us all to connect around topics that unite us rather than divide us.
Read on to see how our authors have taken their unique experiences and written informative and timely pieces on the intersection of brands and belonging in today’s culture.
We hope you enjoy reading this, our very first issue, as much as the team enjoyed writing it, and that you gain valuable insights from it.
Warm Regards,
Laura Jones,
Chief Strategy Officer
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